List Detail


House Patron: St. Charles Borromeo

House Color
: Purple

Feast Day
: November 4

Coat of Arms
: A lit candle on a purple field. Borromeo House’s first House Master and leadership was inspired by a quote from William Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice in creating their House slogan and arms: “How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.”

: Humilty, Zeal, Fortitude
Slogan: So shines a good deed in a weary world!

sponsored by Borromeo House:

St. John XXIII Talent Show

About Our Patron

Charles Borromeo was born in 1538 to a noble family in northern Italy. He grew up in the time of the Protestant Reformation when Europe was being torn apart both physically and morally. The Church and her clergy needed reform and renewal; however, some grew weary and decided to leave Holy Mother Church.

St. Charles used his influence in the Vatican to reconvene and complete the Council of Trent in order to reform the Church from within. He accomplished this goal with great delicacy and skill, and the Council
of Trent was concluded in 1564.

St. Charles spent the rest of his life putting the principles of the reform into action in his newly
appointed position as Archbishop of Milan. He died in 1584, having seen to the creation of numerous seminaries and oratories for the education of priests in his province, as well as having created the first Sunday schools.

The position which Charles held in Europe was indeed a very remarkable one. The mass of
correspondence both to and by him testifies to the way in which his opinion was sought.
The popes under whom he lived sought his advice. The sovereigns of Europe, Henry III of France, Philip II, Mary Queen of Scots, and others showed how they valued his influence. His brother cardinals have written in praise of his virtues.

St. Charles Borromeo was canonized in 1610, and is the patron of bishops & cardinals, catechists &
seminarians, and of Northern Italy. His feast day is November 4.
St. John XXIII College Preparatory forms the hearts and minds of young men and women in a Christ-centered community dedicated to academic excellence, the pursuit of virtue, and service to others in the Tradition of the Catholic Church.